A guide to mixing friend groups

Deepika Anand, BA Politics and International Relations, 03/02/2025
Have you ever thought of mixing friend groups so that all of your friends can be friends with each other? Well, it's not an exact science and it can definitely get tricky. In my experience, mixing your friend groups can either be a blessing or a curse. It’s a fine line and there’s often no in between. I recently hosted a ‘Friendsgiving’ with my roommate, where we both invited all of our friends. These are some of the things I learnt that day.
Firstly, don’t force anything on anyone. Unless they want to meet each other themselves, there is no reason to make the effort. For example, if you are mixing friends from university with ‘home friends’, question if your uni friends are open to learning about your life more holistically? Also, always mention them to each other before actually introducing them! To test the waters, if you are on the phone with your home friends around your university friends, there’s no harm in them saying hello to each other. It’s a low risk and high reward way of seeing if their vibes match!
When meeting in person, make sure it’s in the right setting. I would also recommend setting your intention about this interaction. Is this a one-time thing or do you want them to form a long-term friendship? There should be a reason for them to meet, like a birthday or a night out. In upbeat environments, conversations flow better and energies stay high. Some liquid courage might also help ease any awkwardness in the beginning. In big groups, you might benefit from introducing them to each other gradually. Instead of mixing two groups of five friends, you can introduce one friend with two from the other group. Mix people who have certain similarities: you have to be clever about it and make the right match! If you’re still unsure about them getting along after taking these things into consideration, I would recommend keeping the mood light for the first meeting. Remember that you set the tone in this situation as you are the common friend and that everyone will mirror your energy. Be prepared for them to bond over you. It’s okay if you’re the joke sometimes!
If you are the friend being introduced to the group, take advantage of the fact that someone who makes you feel comfortable is around. Ultimately, do not stress. These people are adults and you should have enough trust in your friendships to know that they will be cordial even if you don’t get along. Some people prefer having different kinds of friends and keeping them separate, which is also okay! I would suggest that if you find yourself in a position where you successfully can bring people together, take the leap! You cannot control nor predict their behaviour, so be prepared for anything, and most importantly-have a good time!