By Dogukan Atmaca, PhD Near and Middle East Research
Is the Piccadilly a line, from six to five?
Get on or get off…
Always, mind the gap!
When there is a delay,
Here is the mis-hap!
Just arrived at Heathrow
Home is still far away
Just reaching Oakwood now
Is the Piccadilly a line, from six to four?
It was a rainy Sunday when you met her
With the thousands of faces that you came across
Time to leave your seat now
Almost arrived at King’s Cross!
The day has ended,
Unlike the works in Holborn!
Still seventeen to go for Alperton!
London, is a cold flow
As it is, every tomorrow,
Lives are on the move
Every stop, every time…
Is the Piccadilly just a line,
From six to five?