Lonely Spirits

To the Italian sunflower,
I didn’t know it was humanly possible to stand in the sunshine every hour of everyday. The golden beams that pour from your smile shine even brighter when you’re dancing. Swinging around with you in your sundance made my year.
To a certain SOAS raven,
The peace you bring flows in the wake of your long black skirts. Being unceremoniously taken under your wing was the blessing I needed last year. Many a Somersby later, the intricate colours of your black feathers seem evermore iridescent. I am so grateful you’re my friend and الحمد لله you stuck around.
From the one who’s read War and Peace. (P.S. Is this nepotism or despotism?)
To the guy who wore a poppy in his hair to the library the other day,
It looked great.
To the sister with the warm smile in the smoking area,
Your presence is really grounding. I would love to know you more but hey, it happens if it happens.