SOAS SU Election Nominations

The following people have been nominated for the corresponding SU positions:
Co-President Activities & Events
Amar Shabandar
Marco Vita
Zain Dada
Co-President Democracy & Education
Hannah Slydel
Tareq Sydiq
Olimpia Burchiellaro
Saqib Ali Rafiq
Shadia Edwards-Dashti
Grace Mason
Ahrar Abbasi
Co-President Welfare & Campaigns
Tom King
Agnes Adebisi Olowogboye
Academic Affairs Officer
Matija Vlatkovic
Anti-Racism Officer
Osamah Aiar
Ali Allibhai
Black Officer
Alaa Ahmed
Halimo Hussain
Campaigns Officer
Jovian Salak & Dimitri Cautain
Entertainments Officer
Adwoa Darko & Will Paintin
Anahita Shamsaei
Environmental Officer
Hannah Short & Isobel Annan
International Officer
Juhi Verma
LGBTQ Officer
Emily Walker
Imrane Lawrence Trocme
Mature Students Officer
Monique Bell
Postgraduate Research Officer
Mohamed Taha
Pedro Mendes Loureiro
Sports Officer
Elizabeth Wright
Working Class Students Officer
Monna Matharu & Saul Jones
Manifestos will be displayed in the entrance to the Students’ Union and can be viewed online here:
Hustings will be at 5pm in the JCR Thursday 26th February and voting will open on Monday 3rd March – 6th March.
The following posts received no nominations:
Accomodation Officer
Womens Officer
Disabled Students and Carers Officer
These will be re-opened until 5pm Monday 23rd February. To nominate yourself for a role, please send an e-mail with the role in the subject line, and your manifesto attached to Amy Dawson: by 5pm Monday 23rd February.