Why not to hate Valentine’s Day

The meaning of Valentine’s Day might be changing, but there is still reason to celebrate it!
Fairytale Romances by Beth Jellicoe
February the 14th… sure. It may be a ‘Hallmark Holiday’. A day created to encourage ridiculous spending on overpriced cards, flowers and chocolates in order to prove one’s love. A day where singles are reminded of their lack of passionate romance, left to make their own breakfast in bed and buy their own chocolate to eat their sorrows away.
Many might argue that the 14th of February is a meaningless, ordinary day for us. There are several theories about the origins of Valentine’s Day. Many historians claim that it was created in 469 when Pope Gelasius declared that February 14th was a day to honour St. Valentine. A more accepted belief is that the holiday marks the day that birds begin to pair by choosing their mate. The hopeless romantic in me still struggles to see how that has ended up as a day to waste money and set high expectations for your loved one! Over the years, mankind and commercial companies have managed to turn this holiday into a stressful, expensive and dreaded day for many, and as a result the real meaning of Valentine’s Day gets forgotten.
I, until recently, shared a cynical view of Valentine’s day. ‘Why should there be a specific day to celebrate love – couples should do that every day!’ I used to naively complain annually, through both the single and the spoilt February the 14ths. Then, one day, I wondered… why not? Let’s be honest, sometimes men need a little push. What is the harm of having one day where boyfriends are encouraged to man up and express their cheesy innermost feelings? One day where PDA is seen as refreshingly cute and inspiring, not selfish and inappropriate? A day where a busy husband and wife are forced to make time for a romantic dinner together? Or even for shy singletons to make a move on their oblivious crush? It may be cringey, but love really should be celebrated.
And love doesn’t just come in one form – it comes in all kind of shapes and sizes. Who needs a partner to show a little love? Valentine’s day should be as much for the singletons as anyone else! Everyone has someone special to celebrate their friendship with, be it your best friends, your siblings or even yourself! If you can’t help feeling a little down this Valentine’s day, celebrate the love you do have. Why not?