London..Must do

By Fiona Munro, Ba Development and African Studies
The Head of the River Race
March 29
For the more athletically-oriented SOASians, this is a sporting extravaganza. The Head of the River Race takes place every spring when a staggering 400 crews from all over the globe take to the Thames to battle it out for the winning title. The course runs from Mortlake to Putney and stretches over 6.8 nail-biting km, with hundreds of boats taking part and each manned by eight men frantically battling it out to be crowned winners. Get there early if you want seats of front row quality and to see the teams take their marks then head over to Chiswick Bridge. The race officially starts at 2.15 p.m.
Sensing Spaces at the Royal Academy of Arts
January 25 – April 6
For something completely unique, the architectural exhibition of “Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined” at the RA is an artistic spectacle of huge proportions. This is ideal not only for those with an architectural interest but also for anyone looking after a completely immersive artistic experience. The revolutionary use of scents, lighting and colour bring this exhibition into the realms of 4D and touching. Climbing and contemplating are all strongly encouraged, with the visitor seen as much a part of the work as the exhibits themselves. Tickets from £9.