Students' Union candidates announced

The candidates for this year’s Students’ Union election have been announced.


Co-President Welfare and Campaigns

Elena Sabatini

Leah Edwards

Georgina Robertson


Co-President Democracy and Education

David Suber

Abi Dalby Bowler

Adam Barr


Co-President Activities and Events

Iulia Beatrice Lumina

Sarah Heng Wei Lyn

Kabir Joshi

Leonardo Cini

Aida Roumer

Antony Asfour

Abu Bilal


Students’ with Disabilities Officer

Mohamed Taha

Karmel Carey and Roisin Crowley


Womens’ Officer 

Brinda Gangopadhya Lundmark and Tove Lyssarides

Mollie Hanley and Hannah Slydel


Entertainments Officer

Luna Cottis

Mohammad Tahboub

Jordan Brown and Wil Paintin


Environmental Officer

Phoebe Fisher and Hattie White

Clare Birkett


International Officer

Ana Luiza Olanescu

Raghav Khemka and Chaitanya Raj Singh


LGBTQ Officer

Tom King and Nate Reidy


Academic Affairs Officer

Havard Skogerbo

Simon Campbell and Maximilian Lohnert


Black Officer

Manuela Schwarz


Campaigns Officer

Marta Pacini and Imrane Lawrence Trocme

Grace Wilcock


There were no candidates for Accommodation Officer, Anti-Racism Officer, Mature Students’ Officer and Postgraduate Research Officer; nominations will re-openfor these positions until Monday 3rd March at 5pm.

Hustings will take place on Thursday 6th March at 5.30pm in the JCR and voting will take place from 10am Monday 10th March until 5pm Thursday 13th March.